Business education, information and resources

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Essential Elements in the Naturopathic Business Plan

The opening, body and attachments of your Naturopathic business plan need not be seen as daunting challenges, but opportunities to fine tune your vision and mission as a healthcare provider.

The most common business plan structure is developed from short general statements or summaries to more detailed explanations.  With this in mind, the executive summary and the business descriptions are both brief overviews of your professional practice.  The body of your business plan will be comprised of more detailed and in-depth descriptions of the fundamental elements of your private practice - the who, how, what and where of your Naturopathic practice. 

At this point I take a departure from the standard format and urge you to focus also on the why you are developing a naturopathic practice.  People, or more specifically your investors, or future patients are more interested in "why" you chose to practice in the field of naturopathic medicine than any other reason.  It is your passion for your chosen profession that will enfluence more people than where or how you practice.

The attachements at the end will include the most detailed information - financial projections and data, professional resumes, licensure verifications, and professional organization memberships.

Here is the typical structure for your professional practice business plan:
  • Cover page
  • Executive summary
  • Professional practice description
  • Practice environment analysis
  • Naturopathic profession background
  • Competition analysis
  • Demographic/market analysis
  • Practice marketing plan
  • Practice operations plan
  • Management summary
  • Financial plan
  • Attachments, licenses, organization affiliations
Not all professional business plans will follow the model exactly.  Your plan may combine elements, add new sections, and eliminate others, but the critical information for the audience you will be sharing the plan with must be included.

NEXT POST:  The Cover Page, Table of Contents, and Executive Summary

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