Business education, information and resources

Monday, August 16, 2010

Why a Business Blog for Naturopaths?

As the Vice President of Advancment at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona, I have been asked repeatedly to create a blog providing resources for doctors to acquire quality business skills in order to establish and grow their practices.  Each naturopath that I meet, regardless of the school they attained their medical training, seems to struggle with the art and science of business, unless they were specifically trained in this area.

My personal experiences include, practice start-ups, purchase and sale of medical practices from coast to coast, practice management, marketing and development of medical practices, new partner negotiations and buy-ins, as well as owning a contract staffing agency specializing in medical staff.   Coupled with this background, I intend to call on professionals from every field; legal, accounting, marketing, insurance, staffing, billing, etc. to create one of the finest FREE resources for naturopaths to acquire quality information.

Having written articles published in Medical Economics, Chiropractic Economics, the Arizona Osteopathic Journal, the Florida Osteopathic Journal, and several other smaller publications, articles and submitted posts will be edited to reflect the best in business practices.  The information provided each week at this blog site will be; easy to read, informative, and provide useful health care business resources.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, for sure this is needed. There is so much to do with medicine that has, what you would think, have nothing to do with medicine. Just setting the tone of the conversation and delivery of information alone it is true study onto itself.....
